Review of "Between the Shadows" - Book 3 of the Sky Watcher series

"Between the Shadows" distinguishes itself from the first two books in the Sky Watcher series. The initial book delves into Charlotte's tale, while in the second, her friends attempt to correct what they see as a mistake by tampering with the timeline. In contrast, the third book finds them once more meddling with time, oblivious to the metaphorical presence of a frustrated lady holding scissors, who is starting to be perturbed by the repeated interference in her thread-cutting endeavors.

Nonetheless, before her anger fully surfaces in a gradual building process throughout the book, we explore Ben and Charlotte's everyday life as a married couple. We see them tackling the challenges together. Some of these challenges, I must confess, truly tested my patience. However, when I recalled Ben's insecurities about why Charlotte would leave her modern life for him, I couldn't help but think, "How sweet!" Despite this, Keen Wolf remains unbeatable, but still, Ben was undeniably adorable.

The point is, when you come across a beautifully written and engaging story that stirs emotions within you, you realize that you are holding an excellent book. It signifies that you are not only attached to the characters but also immersed in their narrative, becoming part of the storyline. Moreover, you tend to lose track of everything else, even the lady with the scissors.

However, Atropos, the fate who holds the scissors, is not one to be easily dismissed or forgotten. As you approach the conclusion of the book, another emotion emerges - the kind that prompts you to exclaim, “No! You wouldn’t!” Yet, you soon come to understand that she most certainly would, all the while wickedly grinning at you. It is truly brilliant!

While the beauty of "Between the Shadows" is found in its details, it is truly irresistible not to be captivated by the series and feel empathy towards its characters. If you have not indulged in this series yet, I highly recommend it because Heather Lynn guides you through a wonderful journey.


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