Midweek Writing Prompt: Felix, the bear


A couple of years ago, I attended a training about storytelling and writing. So as a part of our exercises, we were asked to come up with a draft for a story we would like to tell. Something simple, not very fancy nor detailed. Just something that could set the wheels in motion. 

As per usual, with me, nothing is ever simple. My neurons start firing at each other and arguing “do this!”, and the other goes “No! Do that!” and then a third one comes into play and says “Oh bullocks! You’re ruining everything, do this instead!”, then finally the referee shows up – whenever that may be, but preferably before they all start grabbing on each other’s throats – blows the whistle and puts some order in the place.  Therefore, when asked to keep things short and simple, normally I panic and start wondering what sort of sorcery I should resort to in order to accomplish such task… just like what I’m doing right now. 

Anyway, long story short, after this long internal battle I came up with an idea, for a story, called “Felix, the bear”. 

Felix, the bear tells the tale of a 9-year-old boy with a heart condition that prevents him from doing the things all the other kids, his age, do. Because he is different, he is confronted with bullying and isolation at school, which makes him feel like an outsider. It is as if the world has no place for him. But just when he thinks all hope is lost, he meets a kind and spirited girl named Tulip, who sees him for who he really is.

I haven’t written that story yet. Mostly because I don’t really know what to do with it, and which path to follow. Should I integrate it in an ongoing series? Or should it be a stand alone? Should it be fairytale like, or should it be something darker? Should it be a children’s story, or should it be more like a grown-up’s sort of thing? I don’t know. 

Maybe it is the reason why I am sharing this with you. Who knows? I certainly don’t. Yet, if you were in my shoes, which path – if any at all - would you have “Felix, the bear” follow?


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